Sunday, May 13, 2007

Angelsey... part 2

Anglesey photos... part 2. Courtesy of Nippy Nolan.

Does anybody remember seeing these two apart over the weekend?

Everybody settles in for a session. With TVX and straws ready

Adi tries to keep up with the young whipper snappers

Pamphlett and Jenny give us some cheeky smiles

Together again

...and again

Sunday morning sausages

Shirt brigade

Lobster girl attacks the others

I'm spitting feathers

Tommy overdoes the fake laughter at Fallon's joke

Pamphlett thinks he is Ricky Martin

Time for food

Customary game of catch for the lads

Chewi & Tommy show the others how to play keepy up

The girls watch from up on high

David celebrates catching the ball

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